It was a beautiful day. No clouds in the sky and temps around the 40s. We decided we were going to bag three peaks today and ski some chutes along the way. Koby and I headed up to Catherine's pass from the Alta side while our other partner, Orie, headed up from brighton. Our plan was to meet on top of Mount Tuscarora. Once we got on top of Catherine's pass, it was just an easy 20 min boot up the north ridgeline to the summit. When we made it up, Orie was their waiting for us. Our first line of the day was going to be Seagull chute. It starts right from the peak and winds its way down a rock lined couloir before it empties into a nice apron.
Koby and Orie standing on top of Seagull Chute
Justin enjoying soft turns down Seagull
Orie boarding the apron with seagull chute above him |
After finding some soft turns in Seagull chute, we hiked up Wolverine's bowl to get to the top of Mount Wolverine. Once on top, we deiced to drop The Scythe. It started right from the peak and dumps you right into the Wolverine Cirque. The entrance was full of rocks so we had to side step our way into it. Once in, we enjoyed 1000' vertical of chute skiing to the bottom.
Getting ready to drop the Scythe from the top of Mount Wolverine |
Looking into the Scythe
Justin making his way out of the Scythe
Once at the bottom of the the cirque, we parted ways with Orie and started to make the final climb up Patsey Marley. On the top we enjoyed great views of the valley and had one more run ahead of us. We skied down the west ridge of Pats and enjoyed some soft turns all the way down to our car. The day was over and we bagged three peaks, gained about 4300' vertical throughout the day, and skied about the same vertical. It was another fun day for hippy turns!
Orie saying goodbye
Enjoying the views from atop of Patsey Marley before skiing down to the car |